
Archive for November, 2011

A person should always be diligent with regard to prayer. It is a covenant relationship with Our Father who art in heaven.<apostlejebrown

Categories: Prophetic Germination

To Family and Friends….Shabbat Shalom aj

Categories: Prophetic Germination

Like a rose maintaining its beauty among the thorns, so is My faithful beloved among the nations. Song of Solomon 2.2aj

Categories: Prophetic Germination

Parents have an awesome responsibility to guide, educate, and train THEIR children.

Categories: Prophetic Germination

Allow children 2 experience all the emotions inherent n daily living so they will learn 2 deal with the full range of their feelings

Categories: Prophetic Germination

BELIEVE…His Word. Blessings to you my family <apostlejebrown

Categories: Prophetic Germination

Good morning my facebook, twitter and ping family…it is truly a blessed favorfull day 4 U. Blessings! <apostlejebrown

Categories: Prophetic Germination